Skincare Routine

Taking care of your skin as early as you can is the best thing you can do for it. And sunscreen is your best friend. I started using skin products at a young age, maybe fourth or fifth grade. I didn’t start wearing foundation until college. I try to keep my face as natural and clean as possible. My cheeks are naturally quite rosy and continue to get more predominant each year. My rosy cheeks are actually Dermatomyositis. As per my dermatologist, Dermatomyositis is treated similarly to rosacea. I am currently not treating it, for it does not bother me.

Acne has only been an issue for me in my mid-twenties. In Junior High / High School, I was lucky to only have the occasional breakout, mainly from stress and sports. In my mid-twenties, I broke out bad. I was planning my wedding, so I was stressed. Many life changes were coming my way. Luckily, I started Rodan and Fields it worked wonders for me. Quite pricey, but worth it in my eyes.

Now that I am in my thirties, I have tried adding a few more steps to my skincare routine to help with aging. I try my best to up my water intake. Though I am the absolute worst when it comes to drinking fluids. I have also added a nightly eye cream that I use both morning and night.

Morning Routine

Each morning I start by washing my face, applying toner, eye cream, and moisturizer. I wash my face with lukewarm water using Differin and the Puff by makeup eraser. One side exfoliates while the other side is soft and used to apply toner. I use Neutrogena for my toner, applying it in circular motions moving upwards to not pull down on my skin. My last steps are applying eye cream and moisturizer. I use night or PM (L’Oreal Eye Cream and CeraVe PM). I feel these are thicker and give more moisture to my skin. I apply the eye cream by dabbing it gently on my eyelids and under my eyes moving upward to my temples. After eye cream, I add my moisturizer, also gently, in circular motions moving upwards. I start at my neck and move up to my forehead.

Night Routine

My night routine varies. I switch up my products and application from time to time. If I have worn makeup that day, I start with the Makeup Eraser or Neutrogena wipes to get my makeup off. Next, I wash my face like above with Differin and apply Neutrogena toner with the softer side of the Puff. Most nights I apply my L’Oreal eye cream and CeraVe PM moisturizer. On other nights I will either “slug”* with Aquaphor or Bio Oil. Applying either all over my face and neck.

*Slug or slugging, in my understanding, is a technique for moisturizing. Slugging got its name because the products typically used make you shine like a slug.

If you have any recommendations for skincare products, I would love to hear them. Also, I’d love to know your skincare routine. Leave a comment below, or contact me @theabbeymartinblog on Insta.

xoxo, a.

You can find photos and updates from “The Abbey Martin Blog” on Instagram. Follow this link to visit their profile: “`“`.

6 thoughts on “Skincare Routine

  1. I’m a big advocate for daily sunscreen! My daughter 14 year old daughter has been using sunscreen on her face and neck daily for several years now!

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